In the video, Akshay Kumar, Diljit Dosanjh and Kiara Advani dancing at a Punjabi wedding, they are seen enjoying Bhangra on the song 'Sauda Khara Khara'. After releasing the hilarious trailer from the movie and the song 'Chandigarh Mein', the makers of the movie Good Newwz has now released the latest song 'Sauda Khara Khara' from the movie.
This song is the recreated version of the popular 90s’ number, Sauda Khara Khara. The song is sung by Diljit Dosanjh, Sukhbir, Dhvani Bhanushali.
Good Newwz is a comedy of errors about two married couples. In the film, Akshay, Kareena, and Diljit, Kiara Advani are shown as couples trying to have babies through IVF. However, they fall prey to a major goof-up when Akshay and Diljit’s sperm is interchanged.
Check out the song here:
This song is the recreated version of the popular 90s’ number, Sauda Khara Khara. The song is sung by Diljit Dosanjh, Sukhbir, Dhvani Bhanushali.
Good Newwz is a comedy of errors about two married couples. In the film, Akshay, Kareena, and Diljit, Kiara Advani are shown as couples trying to have babies through IVF. However, they fall prey to a major goof-up when Akshay and Diljit’s sperm is interchanged.
Check out the song here:
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